Angelia Leung
Associate Professor Emerita
- Email: aleung@arts.ucla.edu
- Telephone:
- Office: Kaufman Hall #150A
Angelia Siu-Yau Leung
Associate Professor Emerita
As faculty member in UCLA’s Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance, Leung’s teaching areas included undergraduate and graduate level courses: improvisation, choreography, movement analysis, fundamentals and modern dance technique, dance education, creative dance for children, and production management/administration. Leung was an independent choreographer/dancer as well as one of the founders of Chopsticks & Sneakers, a collective of Asian and Asian-American choreographers, which had produced concerts since 1984. Teaching as guest artist wherever her works have been presented throughout the United States and internationally, Leung’s teaching and creative work reflects her primary interest in praxis - in creating bridges between intuition and the analytical, the theoretical and the practical, the conceptual and the physical.
Leung served in numerous capacities in administrative roles and advisement for the department,School, and campus-wide throughout her career, including a final stint as departmental Chair from 2006 to 2015, along with serving on the faculty advisory board of the SOAA’s Visual and Performing Arts Education (VAPAE) minor program since 2010 (Faculty Chair 2010-2014, 2016-2017).
Though retired in 2017, Leung had continued to serve (2013-2019) on the UCLA Semel Healthy Campus Initiative (SHCI) Steering Committee as co-chair of the Move Well Pod. Projects included developing and promoting research and interventions for undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty making “healthy choices as the easy choice” through programs engaged in awareness, activism, and action. Leung served to instruct (until end of Spring 2019) CHS179, Life Skills for College Students, funded in part by SHCI. Leung initiated the research and subsequent publication supported by SHCI titled, “Get up, stand up, stand up for your health! Faculty and student perspectives on addressing prolonged sitting in university settings”, with co-authors/team: Burt O. Cowgill, Vanessa Perez, Ellen Gerdes, Anusha Sadda, CourtnieLy, Wenddelin Slusser, in the Journal of American College Health (2020).
Leung returned to UCLA as Interim Chair for the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance for the academic year 2021-2022. Enjoyment of retirement activities resumed since then.
Choreography/Performance and Dance Education.